Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius

February 9, 2024

Beginning the Journey

Find a comfortable, quiet space where you can sit or lie down without interruptions. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs with fresh air, and as you exhale, allow any tension to melt away. Do this a few more times, with each breath inviting peace and calm into your body.

Setting the Intention

As we embrace the energy of the New Moon in Aquarius on this day, February 9, 2024, at 5:58 P.M. Eastern Time, let's set an intention for renewal and self-discovery. Aquarius, the sign of innovation, community, and individuality, guides us to consider our current lifestyle and the circle we share it with.

Visualization of Acceptance

Imagine yourself under the velvety dark sky of the New Moon, surrounded by the infinite universe. Visualize a bubble around you – this is your reality bubble, a space where you are the architect of your life. Within this bubble, paint a vivid picture of your ideal lifestyle. Who are you with? What are you doing? How do these elements make you feel? Focus on feelings of acceptance, triumph, and unapologetic self-respect.

Reflection on the Past

Recall the Full Moon in Leo's lessons from last month, where you were encouraged to shine a light on your insecurities. Remember the weaknesses you acknowledged and the decision to empower yourself. With each breath, feel yourself releasing any remnants of judgment or restriction, making room for growth and self-love.

Embracing Change with Uranus Direct in Taurus

Now, envision the energy of Uranus, now direct in Taurus, infusing your reality bubble with ease and openness. Imagine pathways clearing, leading you to your happy place. See yourself finding and connecting with your people – those who accept and celebrate you for who you are. Feel the sense of belonging and mutual respect.

Affirmations for Empowerment

Repeat these affirmations silently or aloud, letting their truth resonate within you:

"I am the architect of my life, building with unapologetic self-respect."

"I embrace change and welcome growth with an open heart."

⁠"I find my happy place and connect with those who truly belong in my world."

"I trust the process of life and move forward with confidence and joy."

Closing the Meditation

Take a few more deep, intentional breaths, feeling grounded and renewed. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, carrying the energy and intentions set during this meditation with you. Remember, the New Moon is a time for new beginnings, and with the empowering energy of Aquarius, you are well-equipped to make the changes you desire in your life.


In the days following this meditation, take practical steps toward realizing the vision you created in your reality bubble. Trust in the process, and be open to the opportunities and people that come your way.


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